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Nitza Agam left Israel in 1976, after completing her BA in English Literature and Theater, bound for San Francisco. She completed two Master Degrees in English Literature and Comparative Literature with an emphasis on Holocaust poetry from San Francisco State. Nitza began her life as a teacher in independent schools and for the next 30 years taught English, History, Hebrew, and Judaica. She is the proud mother of two sons who are educators. Nitza is married to her Israeli American husband and has written about disability and the need to be seen more in society since her husband has lived with MS for over 30 years.

Nitza is also an author, her most recent publication is an anthology of essays and art by women writers and artists titled The Lemon Tree. Inspired by her late friend who hid much of her art, Nitza has compiled the truth behind what drives women writers and artists to express their creativity. A review by author and filmmaker Marlene Shigekawa, states: "The Lemon Tree" is a beautiful tribute from one woman artist to another. Few words can express the deep love between women that is nonsexual, a love that reflects respect and admiration for the creator's struggle. This work, through its art and words, emerges as a symphony that moves and uplifts us, as we deal with birth and death both in the creative process and in life."

Nitza's other memoirs include A Scent of Jasmine dealing with the effects of the Yom Kippur War of 1973, and Love Letters to My Mother, about the passing of her mother and a daughter's grief and love. Nitza has published poems and essays in literary magazines, educational magazines, and an essay about her husband's MS and triumphing over disability in Momentum, a MS magazine. Nitza has also published two essays in the San Francisco Chronicle's "Open Forum" as a disability activist.  Nitza continues to believe in the importance of the stories we all have to tell and the power they impart when shared. Her latest article is "Women's Work" in Adanna Literary Journal Issue #10 (2020)

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